arznei-telegramm: 2014; 45: 63-4


Warning about MIRACLE MINERAL SUPPLEMENT (MMS) miracle cure: While the agencies regulating medicines in other countries have been warning consumers about this product for years (1-4), in Germany only one statement has been issued, by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) (5). Now the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) has also issued a warning about the supposed miracle cure (6): MIRACLE MINERAL SUPPLEMENT (MMS), which is being advertised on the Internet as a cure for a wide range of diseases (7). MMS contains sodium chlorite (NaClO2, not to be confused with sodium chloride = table salt), which has not been approved for use as a medicinal product, and which is supposed to be mixed with a dilute acid such as acetic acid or citric acid. This forms chlorine dioxide, a disinfectant and bleaching agent. Depending on the concentration, its effect ranges from irritant to caustic. While there is no evidence for the claimed miraculous effects in AIDS, malaria, viral hepatitis or cancer (2), consumers are faced with considerable harmful effects: When taken orally, chloride dioxide can cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. There have been reports from international regulatory agencies of erythrocyte damage, life-threatening dehydration and kidney failure (1-3). In contrast, this late BfArM warning does not specify the potential harm MMS could cause. A clear statement addressing the supposed miracle effects is also lacking. In Germany, effective consumer protection is once again falling through the cracks as a result of confusion of responsibilities between BfArM and regional authorities (a-t 2002; 33: 14 and 2001; 32: 116-7), Ed.



Health Canada: Health Risks Associated with Use of Miracle Mineral Solution. Advisory 12 May 2010



FDA: "Miracle" Treatment Turns into Potent Bleach. Consumer Health Information Oct. 2010;



AFSSAPS: Mise en garde sur les risques liés à la consommation du produit dénommé Solution minérale miracle (MMS). Communiqué vom 5 Oct. 2010;



Swissmedic: Warnung vor dem sog. Wundermittel "Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)", 13 Oct. 2010



BfR: BfR rät von der Einnahme des Produkts "Miracle Mineral Supplement" ("MMS") ab. Statement 2 July 2012;



BfArM: BfArM warnt vor der Anwendung von "Miracle Mineral Supplement" als Arzneimittel. Press release 30 May 2014; SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/mitteil2014/pm08-2014.html



Gute Pillen - Schlechte Pillen 5/2008: 14;

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